Project 2005

Mohammed Page

Automatic Control Lab

Project 2005

Project 2003


A 2005 Graduation Project


Faculty of Engineering,

Ain Shams University,

Design and Production Engineering Dept.

Bachelor Project

Design and Implementation of Parallel Robot Based Machining Platform (PRMP)


Prepared by:

Alaa El Din Ismail Galal       

Mahmoud Magdy Siam

Amr Abd El-Rahman Shalaby

Mohamed Mohamed Sayed

Mohamed Saleh Hossny

Supervised by:

Prof. Dr. Farid A. Tolba                   (Ain Shams University)

Prof. Dr. Magdy M. Abdelhameed  (Ain Shams University)

Eng. Mohammed Ibrahim               (Ain Shams University)

July 2005


Project Objectives:

          The project objective is to use advanced techniques of IT (Information Technology) to develop production facilities of in machining centers.


The main drawbacks of the traditional machining centers are its limited mobility domains and restricted degrees of freedom.


By using the available technology of IT such as ACAD, ADAMS, Vis-Sim, Automation Studio, SolidWorks, and COSMOS facilities designers by powerful tools to produce more efficient and flexible machining centers having 6-DOF which are suitable for complicated shapes.


The project utilizes previous concepts beside the assistance of IT technology to design parallel kinematic machine in the form of Hexapod.


The Hexapod has been designed, simulated and implemented as a mechatronics project.


Design Strategy:

The main objective of the project is to design an advanced six degrees of freedom parallel robot using six hydraulic actuators and perform control system on it.

           The design and implementation of the PRMP including the following steps:

1.     Thinking about the conceptual design of the robot as a mechanism and inspect the degrees of freedom of the system. 

2.     Preparing an initial design for the system and simulating the mechanism using virtual prototyping software.

3.     Preparation of the mechanical hardware (assembly drawings, workings drawings and finite element stress analysis) for the final design of the mechanism.

4.     Design of the hydraulic circuit and simulating it using computer’s software.

5.     Design of the electric and control circuits using computer software.

6.     Implementation of both the mechanical, electronic and hydraulic hardware.

7.     Performing all necessary hardware connections and carrying out some performance tests on each stage.

8.     Determination of the appropriate kinematics used to control the manipulator.

9.     Testing the system and comparing the desired motion values with the actual ones.

10. Caring out final experiments on the system.   


            This work presents the work performance for the B.Sc. project for the year 2005 in the Design and Production Engineering Department.


          This project includes the design and implementation of six degrees of freedom parallel robot herewith providing a link between the mechanical hardware of the parallel robot and the control system that is to satisfy the desired function, as an example of mechatronics.


          During this work, we have been made of electrical system and Personal Computer based controllers, in combination with an ADDA card for providing the link.


Key words:

Hexapod, Stewart platform, Mechatronics, 6 DOF, Hydraulic actuators, ADAMS, Visual simulation



Project 2005


Project 2005 Team